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Showing posts from March, 2014

Giveaway Simple-Simple by Shad

Greetings and Assalamualaikum to all. Jemput Join ya. Klik Banner untuk Join Senarai Hadiah R Series Luxury Set from Cosway x2 Novel Pilihan Sendiri x5 R Series Hand & Body Lotion x3 Bawal Plain + Cute Brooch x3 Top-up RM5 x5 Due Date : 21 April 2014 Klik untuk lihat Senarai Hadiah


tekan banner untuk join why i love make up? well actually girl and make up could not be separated. it complete me . for me i love make up because it give me some kind of strength to face the world and my confident level increase. lagi satu kita sebagai wanita memerlukan make up ketika kita bekerja mahupun sedang belajar kerana orang akan melihat penampilan kita. tak semestinya kena make up tebal , sederhana yang paling penting dalam hidup. beauty is not based how much you put make up on your face but the inner must be as beauty as your outside.

Giveaway Ainruslee In D'Blog

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Mini GA T-shirt Blogger

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XOXO Giveaway By Lyn Lyna

id  whohaa: actually join contest ni sebab birthday kawan baik kite harini and dia pminat besar kpop tambah2 kumpulan exo. so kalau dapat hadiah, nak bagi dekat dia.

1st Giveaway by Bella Nabieyla

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Awesome Giveaway by FatinDiana

jom join GA ni