if you truly understand this lyrics , you know how it hard to fall in love with someone that doesnt love you . hell its hurt but thanks for the truth . i rather hurt now than someday you will leave me when you the only one i love so much . that gonna be hurt fuck much .
thanks for being the first boy i ever dated for my whole life . i gonna keep my dates for my halal one after this . no more date in my life . cause it is more hurt when i remember the day you took me out .
alhamdulillah everything is settle , we separate for our good not in any harm way . thanks dearhope the best for you . wishing you to meet a good girl that can lead to be your future wife . be a good along to your family . be the best student and hope you will be 'hamba ALLAH' that always follow HIS order . dont live your solat . good luck in your life .
sorry , starting from today and so on . i will not be going to text you anymore . i'm gonna take my time to forget everything about you . so i keep my problems with me . dont want to bother you with all my silly problem and heyy i promise not going to get any fight with my roommates anymore . so dont worry about me . thanks for everything . =)
roommates !