Unwanted friends? who want to be one of them. me? i don't want too but it happen . as i was busy with this event, now if i think it again. maybe it was my fault cause i was too busy handling things that i know is hard . i know i bite more than i can chew . starting from that point, i see them hangout without me. its hurt . even though i can't go with them , is it hard to ask me whether i want to go or not? oh yeahhh maybe it was hard cause you know i will denied so there is no point asking me ehh? but it was our event, and you started to complain that was no fun, boring and what so ever. you don't even want to participate in it. it was a gallery . what do you expect we dancing? karaoke or acting . just see that pictures lahh . and you're upset because there is no flashmob? you're that doesn't want to enter it cause you're too busy with 'assignment' . oh yeah i can see that . you know right now it feel awkward to hangout with all of you, it feels like i am a new student from other classes that try to make friends . now our group getting bigger with new people entering it. i have a lot of group that start like us and end without being together anymore . it just frustrating to see all of you leaving me alone at the event cause you are to busy to get back to your hometown ? seriously? you don't offer me to follow you, you know how i get to bus central? you know how much people i try to call? nahhhh i am not important to y'all anymore. do whatever you want to do, when you need my help , you know how to be nice .no offence , but this is me i am not good in telling you at your face how frustrated i am . cause for me you're my best friend , my best ever classmate , my family and i will not hurt you no matter how much you hurt me. this is the only way i express my feelings.
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