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Showing posts from January, 2016


I might not a marry yet but the cases of a young married couple divorced because of then cheated is making it a bit scary for a single woman like to put trust in man.  You may said anything to me but i just couldnt bare a guy that cheated to his wife despite all the problems you are facing. There is so many way for you to try to save you marriage instead of finding another women to heal your broken heart, try talk heart to heart.  Sometimes the women had no clue of this married guy. They strongly denying the fact they are tied to someone.  I was involved in this marriage guy cases. He is only 24 and we had been friend for almost 2 years. We develop feeling for each other until one day he is out of action. I tried to reach him but there is no answer from him.  And he had been dissapear for almost 6 month untill i get a whatsapp from him saying why did i go away. i was in shocked because it was him in the first place that been missing. I remember getting a...